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Ilagan-Divilacan Road Project

DENR grants ECC; Reg'l Council unanimously approves

        The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) through the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) has issued the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) for the Provincial Government of Isabela’s proposed Rehabilitation and Improvement of the Ilagan-Divilacan Road Project even as the Regional Development Council (RDC 2) and the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC 2) unanimously endorsed the same road proposal.


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The red line represents the 82.004-km route of the Ilagan-Divilacan Road Project.

(From left to right) Isabela Governor Faustino G. Dy III, Santiago City Mayor Joseph S. Tan, Batanes Governor Vicente S. Gato, National Economic Development Authority Regional Director Mary Ann ER. Darauay and Nueva Vizcaya Governor Ruth R. Padilla.

RDC 2 sets to endorse road for the

DOT-DPWH Infra Convergence Proj


Santiago City – The Regional Development Council (RDC 2), in its regular quarterly meeting held at Charina’s Hotel in this City on March 20, 2014, came to a preliminary decision to endorse the Ilagan-Divilacan Road Rehabilitation and Improvement Project for inclusion in the Department of Tourism-Department of Public Works and Highways (DOT-DPWH) Convergence Projects for Tourism Development’s list of priority infrastructure projects for funding and implementation.



Farmers' Congress in Palanan


After the success of Farmers' Congress in Maconacon and Divilacan, the Provincial Government of Isabela brought its services to Palanan to cater the needs of the fisherfolks, marginalized and small farmers through the BRO programs last June 12-13.




Upcoming Events

MAY 1-4,2016 - BALAMBAN Festival of Santiago City 

MAY 18,2016 - INNURUBAN Festival of Burgos

MAY 26- 30,2016 - MAMANGI Festival of Ilagan City


Ulat ni BRO highlights 4 year accomplishment, and improved

support to farmers


City of Ilagan, Isabela – Governor Faustino G. Dy III humbly boasts the 4-year accomplishments of the Provincial Government of Isabela and the improved support to farmers in his State of the Province Address (SOPA) with plans of assisting the small farmers in the Home Development Mutual Fund of Pag-IBIG and incorporating disaster preparedness in the curriculum of the Department of Education (DepEd).




  • ISU Echague Agricultural Eng’g Student triumphs in the International Math and Science Olympiad. read more

Make an Appointment

Special Project Committe on Isabela Coastal Development  Office 


Isabela Provincial Tourism Office

Provincial Capitol

Alibagu,City of Ilagan, Isabela

TeleFax: (078) 323-0171


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